GFCE Cybersecurity Knowledge Modules
10. Stakeholder involvement in the CI and CII
11. Funding
12. Capacity development
13. (Geo)political and social factors
14. Main takeaways
15. Assignment
1 Quiz
KM5 Quiz
KM6 - Cybercrime
Module objectives
1. The nature of cybercrime
2. The impact of cybercrime
3. Responses to cybercrime
4. The interplay between data protection and privacy
5. Main takeaways
6. Assignment
1 Quiz
KM6 Quiz
KM7 - Child Online Protection
Module objectives
1. Children and technology
3 Topics
1.1 Children’s rights in the digital age
1.2 The benefits of technology
1.3 Children’s use of technology
2. Online risks for children and young people
3 Topics
2.1 The online risks
2.2 Child sexual abuse
2.3 The impact of COVID-19 on child online protection
3. Measures to protect children online
5 Topics
3.1 Legislative measures
3.2 Self- and co-regulatory measures
3.3 Technical measures
3.4 Awareness-raising and education
3.5 Developing a national strategy
4. The stakeholders involved in protecting children online
2 Topics
4.1 A shared responsibility of all stakeholders
4.2 How are the stakeholders collaborating
5. Resourcing Child Online Protection Initiatives
6. Assignment
1 Quiz
KM 7 Quiz
KM8 - Cybersecurity culture, awareness, workforce, and skills
Module objectives
1. Cybersecurity skills and culture in Africa (context)
2. Capacity building: an overview
2 Topics
2.1. Theoretical explanation
2.2. Why is capacity building important in the global context?
3. Cybersecurity capacity building in the broader context in Africa
4. Concrete tools for building mature cybersecurity culture: best practices from the GFCE community
3 of 4
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6. Assignment
GFCE Cybersecurity Knowledge Modules
6. Assignment
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