KM1- Mapping cybersecurity and the broader context
KM 2 - Cybersecurity strategy, policy and regulation
KM3 - Cyber diplomacy and international cooperation
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11. Monitoring and evaluation

The monitoring and evaluation phase should determine if the action plans are being implemented based on the agreed timelines and, where they are implemented, if they have the desired results. At this stage, there should be a formal process to determine if the implementation has met the goals of the NCS and to assess if there is a need to review it for the next cycle of the process. The activities under this are as follows:

  1. Creating a formal process 

To ensure that targets are met, there is a need to create a formal process for the monitoring of the implementation of the NCS and evaluating the outcomes to determine if the goals have been achieved. Most countries identify, or establish, an independent government entity which will monitor and evaluate the implementation process. In some instances, the entity coordinating the implementation of the NCS  creates a monitoring and evaluation role to ensure that goals are met. The monitoring framework should have performance indicators which are specific, measurable, achievable, responsible, and time related. 

  1. Monitoring the implementation of the Strategy

Once the formal process for the monitoring and evaluation is created, the entity responsible for this should measure the implementation based on the agreed parameters. If there are any deviations from agreed timelines or reasons for failure to adhere to the goals set, this should be noted as it would serve as valuable input to future iterations of the strategy when the NCS is reviewed for another cycle. This approach will ensure that relevant stakeholders are held accountable for the responsibilities assigned to them for implementation. 

  1. Evaluating the outcomes of the Strategy 

In addition to assessing the progress in implementation based on the agreed matrix, it is also necessary to evaluate the outcomes and compare them with the objectives set in the NCS. This will help determine if the objectives of the NCS are taking the country in the right direction. The assessment and associated recommendations should be compiled into a report for the Lead Project Authority, and include ways to update the Implementation Action Plan and ensure that it is current and responsive to the changing policy and the risk landscape. 

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