GFCE Cybersecurity Knowledge Modules
5. Main takeaways
6. Assignment
1 Quiz
KM8 Quiz
KM9 - Cybersecurity Standards and Certification
Module objectives
1. Introduction
2. Why are standards important?
3. Formal Standards
4. Standards Development Organisations
10 Topics
4.1. IETF
4.2. IEC
4.3. ISO
4.4. ITU
4.5. IEEE
4.6. ETSI
4.7. ICANN
4.8. ENISA
4.9. 3GPP
4.10. De facto standards
5. Open standards
4 Topics
5.1. Open Cybersecurity Alliance
5.3. I am the Calvary
5.4. OpenRAN
6. Standards implementation and compliance
7. Certification
8. Mapping the stakeholders in security standards development
9. Capacity building initiatives
4 Topics
9.1. GFCE Internet Infrastructure Initiative – Triple-I
9.2. Open Internet Standards for African universities
9.3. International Cybersecurity Challenge
9.4. Hackthon@AIS
10. Women in Standardisation
11. The (Geo)Politics of standardisation
12. Main takeaways
13. Assignment
1 Quiz
KM9 quiz
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4. Standards Development Organisations
GFCE Cybersecurity Knowledge Modules
4. Standards Development Organisations
Lesson Content
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0/10 Steps
4.1. IETF
4.2. IEC
4.3. ISO
4.4. ITU
4.5. IEEE
4.6. ETSI
4.7. ICANN
4.8. ENISA
4.9. 3GPP
4.10. De facto standards
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