Identification of needs/gaps in various aspects of cybersecurity capability of a country or a team can be determined utilising various tools and maturity models.
These include the Security Incident Management Maturity Model (SIM3), the Security Operation Centre Capability and Maturity Model (SOC-CMM), and the CSIRT Maturity – Self-assessment Tool.
Good practice: Measuring and Improving Maturity
Using the SIM3, the CSIRTs carry out a self-assessment based on 44 maturity parameters in the fields of organisation, human aspects, tools, and processes. Emerging and existing CSIRTs can use the Maturity Kit to improve their maturity level. By defining a maturity growth path based on SIM3, a CSIRT improve their maturity level from basic’’ maturity level, via intermediate’’, to certifiable’’ based on a combination of self-assessment and peer reviews.